Saturday, March 13, 2010

MAX BLAKE: 'Chupacabra' footage

Maxy sent the link to this story on Paranormal magazine's website.

Hopefully Jon and Corinna will have as much luck with the blue dog in Texas....

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1781, Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus while in Bath. He had wanted to call the planet George, which is a perfectly good and sensible name for a planet, but the astronomer Johann Bode, who determined the orbit of Uranus had other ideas and was clearly oblivious to the fact that he was setting the world of astronomy up for some truly epic double entendre. In 1789 Herschel discovered a ring around Uranus (told you)…

Sometimes it’s better to just give something a sensible name like George and have done with it.

Incidentally, you’ll be seeing more on his son, Sir John Herschel in the next of my ‘Crypto Con’ articles.

And now, the news:

Pet high chair sits dogs at the dining table
PETA offers anti-meat trash cans for Colorado park...
Devotees of Fla. man say they ingested snail mucus...
Teacher killed by wolves in Alaska
Fears grow for some of Britain's rarest butterflie...
Pet death prompts axe-wielding outburst

It really would be remiss of me not to post this link: