Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hi folks,

A few days ago my brother Bill, who lives in Sydenham with his wife Jane, passed on to me a newspaper cutting from London Life dated September 28th 2009 (see below) on the `Sydenham panther`, which reminded me that I had come across a mention of this creature a few years ago. So I have just done a fairly quick bit of research on the history of this mystery cat. It transpires that since at least 2005 there have been a series of sightings in various locations (perhaps of more than one animal?) around towns in southeast London with Sydenham and Crystal Palace (where one is known as the Palace Puma), where there is an open park space as the 'epicentre' as it were. There seems to be a gap in reports between March 2005 and September 2009, at least as far as the Internet is concerned.

On March 23rd 2005 The Guardian`s web site reported:`Fear stalks the streets of Sydenham after resident is attacked by a black cat the size of a labrador.` By Patrick Barkham.

'It has probably slunk off to a neighbouring suburb to become the Penge Panther, the Catford Cheetah or the Beast of Beckenham by now. But residents of the blossom filled streets of Sydenham were still shaking last as a father of three told how he had been mauled by a black cat the size of a labrador. Police armed with Taser stun guns sealed off roads in south-east London, school gates were locked and teachers warned pupils to keep away from wooded areas after Tony Holder escaped with a cuff around the face from the big cat...As Mr Holder was being treated for scratches by ambulance staff,he saw the beast saunter past again...The animal gave them the slip, but as tabloid reporters scoured the streets in safari gear brandishing butterfly nets, the Guardian picked up the scent of something big across the railway line by Catling Close. Billy Rich, 44, was looking out of his window at 5.30am when he saw a black creature leap across the road and bound south towards Mayow Park...Scotland Yard confirmed the beast of Sydenham was the second serious sighting of a large black cat in south-east London in the past three years. Officers responded to reports of a large black cat in Oxleas Wood in Shooters Hill, south London, in 2002 but failed to trace the animal' (1)

We now jump forward about 4 and a half years. reported on September 1st 2009

'It seemed like any other day for Helen Barrett when she took a woodland walk with her family earlier this month [presumably August 2009]. But that changed when she claimed the 5ft Palace Puma stalked out of the undergrowth and fearlessly approached her. Understandably the 41-year-old turned and fled, later describing her encounter in Crystal Palace as "alarming".' (2)

So we now have a black panther and a puma. This site also mentions sightings in Eltham, Sidcup, Dartford, Gravesend, Bexley and Thamesmead and mentions the CFZ`s Neil Arnold`s research.

The London Life report of September 28th 2009 was headlined `Sydenham Panther on the prowl` by Mark Blunden: 'A panther is feared to be prowling south-east London for new victims today after a pet cat was found mauled to death. The remains were discovered in the neighbourhood where the so-called "Sydenam Panther" is believed to have struck four years ago. The dead cat was discovered by Sara Hill, 32, as she walked her dogs with her son, Archie, eight months. She said the feline skeleton had been entirely stripped of flesh - yet whatever killed it had left the head untouched.' (3)

On September 30th 2009 a BarnacleBelle on the Sydenham Town Forum website (4) mentioned the lion of Lewisham and the Honor Oak Hyena, both of which I`d like to follow up but I haven`t got the time.

That was essentially the end of sensible debate on this forum until a contribution by coral on October 16th 2009: 'A month ago whilst walking home along Datchet Road, Catford between 22.00 and 22.30hrs I saw what appeared to be a big cat. It was strolling between cars and front pathways of houses. I had no idea of previously reported sightings of black panthers and such like until my daughter later informed me of such. It was not black but more a brownish colour.The height was about 2-3ft high,thin body frame and its fur was much shorter than a pet cat.The head was definetely that of the cat family. Make no mistake about it all you doubting Thomas`s out there, a big Cat is definetly at large in borders of Catford/Sydenham.' (5)

This sounds a bit like the Palace Puma.

1. Guardian website.
2. website. http://www,
3. M. Blunden Sydenham Panther on the prowl.London Life September 28th 2009 p.23
4. Sydenham Town Forum website September 30th 2009
5. Ibid. October 16th 2009

That`s all for today. Tomorrow I`ll be looking at the case study of an entombed toad.

Fishing children fish in the Imperial Waters
Nagasaki nightmare,Nagasaki nightmare
Sons and lovers,lovers and daughters
Nagasaki nightmare,Nagasaki nightmare
Cherry blossom hanging on the cherry blossom tree
Flash,blinding flash,then there`s nothing to see..(Crass,Nagasaki nightmare)


I give you this for what it is worth. However, one thing that is interesting is that when we posted our video of "things" on a Killarney lake (which, btw, has had more viewings now than anything else we have ever done) several people accused us of being in league with the Irish tourist industry. This vid clearly IS produced by the Irish tourist industry, and no one says ow't.

Strange, eh?


Ruby and Mike, those jolly nice people at CFZ Australia, have been busy lately. Notable blog entries this week include:


I have always admired my dear wife's singular take on the universe. Over on her blog today she has posted no less than three vignettes that illustrate (as if any illustration was needed) that the world is truly a very peculiar place:

A peculiar road sign giving road users the opportunity to choose between death by RTA and death by crocodile
On Yer Bike

What happens when mice get loose on an airliner
Rodent Airways

A dog goes surfing
Everybody's gone surfing

All together now (to the tune of Surfer bird)

"Oh have you read the blog, about the dog, d-d-d-d-d-dog"

...and for those under 40 who have no idea what I am talking about and who have never seen Pink Flamingos:

This is probably the point where Max grits his teeth and thinks that it is about time we got rid of those tedious old 50-year-olds who have been running the CFZ for too long.


Greg Warner has written to me again:

"Mike & Greg Warner make an important breakthrough with their photographic evidence and some important pieces of the puzzle begin to fit"

The video should be used in conjuntion with the photographs referred to in the 'research file' found at

I have never made a secret of the fact that I am unimpressed with the Warners' findings, and don't think that they add anything to the canon of cryptozoological research. However, unlike other people that we might mention, the CFZ have always attempted to behave in a gentlemanly (ad ladylike) manner, and so we do them the courtesy of giving them a platform from which to speak.

However, the claim that their Amazon expedition is "The Search for Yacumama & Mokele-mbembe" is somewhat confusing as is the fact that they are posting pictures of the sirrush of the Ishtar Gate. I think that Mike and Greg are in danger of losing sight of their original objectives in a wallage of misplaced over-enthusiasm.

LIZ CLANCY: Feline Folktale

There is an old Lancashire folktale about a little tomcat named Dildrum. He was supposedly the adored pet of the local blacksmith and his wife, who were both unaware that their furry friend had an interesting secret.

One night the blacksmith had been dozing by the fire, his cat curled up on his knee. Suddenly he was awoken when a black cat fell down the chimney and screamed "Tell Dildrum Doldrum's dead!" With that he darted back up the chimney.

Little Dildrum woke with a start and much to his owner's surprise, cried out "Did you say Doldrum's dead?" and disappeared up the chimney himself, never to be seen again. Doldrum, you see, was supposedly the king of all cats and Dildrum, his heir.

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday’s News Today

Now for the new improved, more in-focus stereographic Sunday 3D photo:

And now the news:

Water crisis in west as Lachlan River runs dry

Ice skating bear kills Russian circus hand

Not an ‘ice’ way to go….