Sunday, August 09, 2009


PC World couldn't do anything, so we are back to the drawing board :(


I am off to Barnstaple with David in about fifteen minutes. I am hoping against hope that we shall be able to restore the data from the broken disk. However, some good stuff happened yesterday, and I would like to take this opportunity to say how pleased we are to welcome the Kingsley School Music Department on board as a sponsor. They have very generously lent us some much needed equipment, which will put an added zing into the show as a whole.


The dog and I are the only ones awake. Graham was up most of the night and has managed to get my system limited connectivity, so I can still just about get online with the office computer. I can't print, I can only access my emails online, (and I seem to have lost an enormous trenche of them), and I am still discovering stuff that I have lost (if that isn't too much of an oxymoron).

I feel completely numb. Most of the work I have done for the last eight months is lost, and only time will tell whether I shall be able to replace it. David and I are going to PC World later on this morning to see if they can recover the data from the buggered drive.

I have my doubts.


There are unlikely to be any regular blog postings for a few days. We have had a massive computer failure and lost an enormous amount of data; basically most of the work I have done since December, including the masters of ten books, and all the Russia video. I have also lost most of my WW material.

The Weird Weekend will take place, but it is unlikely to be as slick as usual. Please remember us in your thoughts as we try to deal with this complete disaster.

If you have written me a blog post that has not yet been posted, please resend it. I know I have unissued material from Neil, and Richard Freeman, but I think that Glen, Mike H, Dale, Lizzy, and Richard Muirhead have sent me things. Please resend.

The same goes for submissions for Animals & Men or the yearbook. If anyone has contact details for the chap on the Frontiers of Zoology list who wrote the major paper on Steller's Sea Ape, please send them to me.

I have lost a large amount of personal stuff too, and am very upset about the whole thing. Give us a couple of days and we shall be back....