Saturday, April 18, 2009

GLEN VAUDREY: Two-headed mermaid in Warrington

Glen is one of the newer additions to the bloggo family. He wrote to me out of the blue last year to ask whether we wanted a Western Isles volume in our Mystery Animals of Britain series. We argeed that we did indeed want one, and commissioned him. What we were not expecting was such a bloody good writer and all round nice guy, who - by the way - is writing several other volumes for us...

Having seen the fabulous picture of the two faced lamb on the blog I was reminded of an exhibit in Warrington museum the two headed mermaid.

This particular Feejee mermaid found its way into the museums collection in 1913 following its donation by a Captain Waring who had bought the item in Japan sometime between 1880 and 1890. Sadly it’s not a genuine conjoined merperson but rather a fanciful construct; nevertheless it is rather striking in a malevolent kind of way