Saturday, January 20, 2007

Justified and Ancient

I have just seen that Robert Anton Wilson died a few days ago aged 75. God Bless the old Bugger....

His last blog entry read:

Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night
Various medical authorities swarm in and out of here predicting I have between two days and two months to live. I think they are guessing. I remain cheerful and unimpressed. I look forward without dogmatic optimism but without dread. I love you all and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagna flying.Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. It seems absurd. RAW "

He died four days later. He was a great man.

PS. O a completely different tack, the Mongolia movie has only been up a couple of hours, and 48 people have seen it already!

The lair of the Red Worm

The Mongolia documentary, filmed by Richard Freeman in 2005, and edited by yours truly over the last few weeks, is now up on CFZtv.


It is our most ambitious film yet, clocking in at just under an hour. It is in two parts unfortunately. The irony is that one of our media consultants told me some weeks ago that we should do this, explaining that the "MTV Generation" have short attention spans, and would prefer to see a documentary in small, bite-sized chunks.

My answer was unprintable!

I have a damn sight more faith in the people who watch CFZtv than that! I am perfectly aware that 90% of the stuff on YouTube is under three minutes, and aimed at the so-called "MTV Generation", but 90% of the stuff on YouTube is complete nonsense. In the same way as we refuse to dumb-down the content of our books and magazines simply to appeal to the lowest common denominator, even though it will sell more books, I will not do that with our films either.

If the "MTV Generation" really only have an attention span of ten minutes, then it is about time they grewq up and joined the real world! I really have no intenbtion of pandering to such idiocy.

Nope, the real reason that the film is in two parts, is that our production values are getting so complex now, that even though I have a brand new (OK it was brand-new in September, which probably means - in the current technological climate that the bloody thing is now practically obsolete), dual processor computer, I just did not have the processing power for one, full length, movie.

So maybe the "MTV Generation" have won out after all.

(But don't bet on it)