Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Thank You

I would like to thank all of you who have leapt to my defence during the recent unpleasantness. It is heartening to know how many friends and supporters I have. Sadly - because I believe in freedom of speech - I have reluctantly changed the settings on this blog so that I can moderate comments that are submitted. I will change this status as soon as `Exeternews` dissapears back into the ether...

I don't know who this person is, but I would like to reassure no-gooder that I have a singular lack of jilted ex-lovers on my trail. In fact I don't think I have ever jilted anyone in the true sense of the word...

One last note. Exeternews asked why I don't invite journalists along on our expeditions. The answer is: I do! We had a journalist along at the Cannoch Crocodile hunt and several at Martin Mere. We have nothing to hide and journalists are always welcome.

Open Letter to the person calling themselves `Exeternews`

Sir or Madam,

I do not know who you are although I have my suspicions. I have ignored your impertinent comments for weeks, but they have now gone from being irritating to defamatory. I have taken legal advice and am referring the matter to the people in charge of They will take whatever action they deem necessary.

I am quite happy to enter into a discussion on the ethics of the CFZ on any public platform. I will not, however, respond to mudslinging from someone too cowardly to come out from behind a facile pseudonym.

Jon Downes