Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Recently Thelma put a posting on the CFZ Forums with a questionairre about the things that CFZers do and don't do etc. These included favourite films, music and whether or not drugs should be legalised and I should have a haircut. I answered reasonably truthfully, but looking back at my - and other peoples - answers a pattern began to emerge.

I think that it is interesting how many people don't think that drugs should be legalised (despite what people in certain quarters think about the CFZ). I think that one of the most destructive things about my generation was the widespread view that drugs are OK, and worse that cannabis is a "soft drug".

Cannabis is a seriously powerful psychoactive agent, and the present generation of skunks are vastly more powerful than anything we had back when I used to proselytise for weed twenty odd years back.

A few years back someone sent me an Alcoholics Anonymous leaflet after one of my appearances at the Unconvention. He told me that he thought that I was an alcoholic. I was furious, but with hindsight I think that he was probably right. Until a couple of years ago I drank far too much, and although I was never one of those people who had to have a drink in order to get up in the morning, I certainly used it as an emotional crutch, and over indulged to a dangerous extent.

I think that booze and dope (particularly the latter) did me more harm than any of the so-called harder drugs that I messed with over the years, If I had my time again, I don't think that I would have touched any of the things I did with a bloody heat bargepole, and I would have drunk far more moderately.

My drinking and drugging days are largely behind me now, but I still ain'y gpnna have that haircut!