Saturday, September 10, 2005

You CAN judge a book by its cover..........

Mark North will be returning to us in a week or so. Then the next wave of CFZ books will be available. I am particularly proud of the production values we have managed to achieve on the books so far. I think that Mark has done a remarkable job, and without blowing our own trumpets, I am amazed that we have come so far in less than ten months. Only a year ago our books were all still homemade and blotchily photocopied.

As we learn more about what we are doing the product is getting better and better. Just look at these:

Its only Rock and Roll..........

Being even more of a klutz than usual, I arrived 24 hours early for my Godson's birthday party. Never mind, I stayed for tea (and btw he was seven NOT six), and spent a pleasant evening en famille, in a way that - sadly - living in bachelor splendour with my Papa, Graham et al, with only visits from Corinna every couple of weeks or so, I have not done for a while. All in all, it is probably a good thing that I never procreated, but it is at times like yesterday evening, when I find myself - almost by accident - sitting happily in the midst of a family teatime, that I come over all wistful :(

Never mind - as Marianne Faithful has been wont to say `what cannot be cured must be endured blah blah blah`, which brings me - slightly tortuously - onto the subject of the new Rolling Stones album. Whereas once upon a time each record was a masterpeice, and until Black and Blue in 1976 they really didn't put a foot wrong, since then, the records have got progressively worse, with the notable exception of 1990's Steel Wheels, which was excellent. Now - with what will probably turn out to be their final studio album - they are back with a vengeance. A Bigger Bang is certainly the best album they have made since the mid-1970s, and for the first time in thirty years, it is possible for an old Stones freak like me to actually proselytise about a new album. Go and buy it, guys - you won't be disappointed.

Apart from bouncing around the office pretending to be Keith Richards (when I am sure that no-one can see me), I have spent most of the day working on Dad's book, and so I apologise to everyone who has written to me, and to whom I have not replied. Graham is having a day off tomorrow, so I shall put my shoulder to the wheel and get on with it properly...