Saturday, August 25, 2012

LINK: African Troll or Mutant

Richard Freeman sent me this link:

Okay, what the heck is this thing? A troll... mutant monkey... hairless Bigfoot... alien creature... something else?

Here's the story, as reported by Bigfoot Evidence:

Locals came across this strange creature while they were escorting a shooting party in Namibia. Witness's state that the creature was spotted apparently foraging for food, one of the shooting party wounded it with his rifle and it escaped into the thick brush. The locals tracked it to a nearby lair or nest where they found three more creatures of similar size. The wounded creature attacked one of the shooting party and it was shot dead, the others escaped into the brush. The body of the creature was taken back to the local camp, police later removed its corpse and a full forensics investigation is under way....

Could it be an unknown animal of some kind? If it's not a hoax, my bet is that it is some kind of deformed or mutated primate. What do you think?

Read on...

LINK: Scottish Natural Heritage Latest beaver trial report published

The latest report on beaver ecology as part of the Scottish Beaver Trial has been published by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). A group of European Beavers was reintroduced to Knapdale Forest near Lochgilphead in 2009, as part of the Scottish Beaver Trial. Since then SNH has been closely monitoring the beavers, and their effects on the environment, in partnership with a number of other independent organisations. The results of this monitoring will help inform the Scottish Government's decisions about the future of beavers in Scotland following the trial, including whether they should be permanently reintroduced.

The report summarises the results of monitoring work carried out on the beavers over the first two years of the trial, from their release in May 2009 until June 2011. It also reports on the use of the site by Otters. The work was carried out by the Wildlife Conservation Unit at the University of Oxford (WildCRU) in partnership with SNH staff, largely based on observations collected by Scottish Beaver Trial field staff. Three beavers died in the first year of the trial and a further three disappeared from the trial site. In the second year there was one disappearance and no deaths. All the beavers captured for routine health checks were in good body condition. Evidence including gnawed or felled trees, tracks, beaver dams or lodges gave a good overview of the areas used by beavers and their activities on land. Future monitoring will include measures to identify where individual beavers are living and how much time they spend in the water compared with on land.

Martin Gaywood, who leads the independent scientific monitoring of the trial for SNH, said: "As part of...

Read on...


It's been a whole seven days since we
did a rhyming couplet Gonzo Daily
Did you ask why? It could be worse
it just amuses me to write bad verse...

We start off with a story from
The Guardian blog which was sent to Jon
from his brother-in-law don't be annoyed
cos it is all about Pink Floyd

Its Pink Floyd again wouldn't you know
but now we have a video
I hope that it won't make you snooze
as Roger Waters plays the blues

I was quite impressed (you must believe)
with a mystery poem I received
So I thought that you should have a look
Its about Helen McCookerybook

A review here of Michael Des B
Which says it very succinctly
he wrote 'My Baby Saved My Ass'
and the album's a classic rock masterclass

Thom the World Poet, bloody hell
he doesn't just write doggerel
to make you laugh (he's not like me)
the man writes PROPER poetry

A story which will break your heart
someone who doesn't get Beefheart
He'd never heard of Don Van Vliet
but even so the review's not shite

Sometimes verse does not come to me
but today it flowed quite easily
so from me and from the orange cat
that my Gonzo pals is that..

See you next week.