And so it is Corinna's birthday. I singularly failed to get her an African bullfrog, but she did get a rather nifty guide to growing mandragora, which made up for it. I will be birthdaying much of today, so I had better get underway with the blogs:

I am rather fond of the Captain Beefheart DVD in the 'Lost Broadcasts' series, not only because the music is peerless, but because it was the first record thatI had written the sales notes for in over 20 years, and I get mildly sentimental about such things...

Erik Norlander really is a multi-talented chap, and I am becoming increasingly fond of his music. It seems that I am not the only person to think so because he is garnering increasingly positive reviews...

Everybody is getting very excited about the 4CD live album by Jefferson Starship that was recorded at the Roswell UFO Festival. It is set to become one of those legendary live albums that everybody talks about

Jon Anderson's recent US Tour seems to have been a magnificent success. It is a great pleasure, therefore, for me to be able to gather together live reviews like this one. Also, BTW, a little birdie tells me that shows later in the year are not impossible...

Another massively groovy remix from the massively talented Mimi Page. That girl has so much talent, that if talent were gobstoppers she would have an awful lot of gobstoppers.

And finally. It is my wife Corinna's birthday and finally Michael Des Barres new album (which we have been listening to constantly for weeks) is released. Michael wrote to Corinna wishing her a happy birthday, and Corinna is doing the same for Michael. With good vibes like this floating around how could both the birthday and the album launch fail to be less than an overwhelming success.


And that is it for today. I am off to see the missus......

ANDREW MAY: Words from the Wild Frontier

News and stories from the remoter fringes of the CFZ blogosphere...

From Nick Redfern's World of Whatever:
From CFZ Canada:


Max Blake, one of thr frighteningly intelligent young men who are the spearhead of the next generation of the CFZ has got his Zoology degree and is off to spend two months working with endangered beetles in Cyprus. He is taking various items of CFZ equipment with him, and we are very proud to be involved. I hope that this will be the first of many times that we can lend equipment to worthy scientific endeavours.

See you in September Maxy

LINK: Lake Superior monster

Pressie the Lake Superior Sea Serpent

Lake Superior or Gitchigumi (meaning Great Water or Great Lake) is a fresh water lake. It is 1,333 feet deep in places , with an average water temperature of 34 degrees F and is 350 miles long and up to 160 miles wide in parts. The lake is almost an inland sea. It is said to house a lake serpent, Pressie, named after the Presque Isle River where one of the best sightings occurred .

Mouth of the Presque Isle River at Lake Superior

The native indigenous people called the serpent Mishipishu and it is seen in pictographs at various shoreline sites, either as a spiky cat-like creature or as a serpent. Modern sightings cite a serpent type creature up to 75 feet long with a horse-like head on a longish neck and a bilobate (whale-type) tail, and described as dark green to black in colour. The reported sightings go back centuries, here is a selection of the most well known:

In September 1894, about halfway between Whitefish Point and Copper Harbor, Michigan, the crews of two steamers observed a strange creature undulating along in the twilight, its back protruding 6 to 8 feet out of the water.

Read on...