Tuesday, May 01, 2012


It's wednesday, and the truth can be told. I have been quite severely non compos mentis for the past three or four days. I have an ear infection and the medication I have been given has meant that I have been floating through my life in a most peculiar manner. You know the first few lines of 'Plastic Palace People' by Scott Walker - that is where I have been all week.

(If you don't know the song, shame on you. Check it out:http://gonzo-multimedia.blogspot.com/2012/05/this-explains-everything-ok-no-it.html)

I am still a little wobbly, but at least I can now string a few words together in a coherent fashion (which is a jolly good thing considering that I am interviewing Jon Anderson later on). However, despire it all, we have an interesting set of posts for you today:

First off, a true EXCLUSIVE, the first bit of a three part interview with Michael Des Barres, in which he talks about his recent Japanese Tour with the reformed 'Silverhead':

The other day I interview Martin Birke from 'Genre Peak'. We talked briefly about our shared like of some of the electropop of the early 1980s. Today I get him to put his money where his mouth is:

Graham Inglis and I go to the garden centre, and find ourself 'Close to the Hedge'. Check it out now, you funk soul brothers:

Preparatory to talking to Jon Anderson later today I listened to his new record. Wow!

Part two of another EXCLUSIVE: I talk to ex-`Genesis` dude Anthony Phillips about his remarkable new album:

And Dave McMann and Lesley Madigan go to see 'Curved Air' in Soho:

Blimey, its really beginning to look like a real magazine isn't it (apart from the pictures of Graham, that is). See you tomorrow...


It's always a great feeling when the lost is found, when a mystery is solved – and especially so when the lost had been lost, and the mystery concerning it unresolved, for over 40 years.
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CFZ CANADA: Bigfoot From the Ground Up Part 6: Big Hairy Deal

Reports of the humanoid/hominid we call Sasquatch here in Canada come in from all over the world. In the US most think of him as Bigfoot, whereas in the Far East he is known as a Yeti. In fact, there are dozens of names associated with this big hairy beast. Here is a list:

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