Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Adam Davies remembers Sahar

Adam Davies, expedition leader on several visits to Sumatra in search of Orang-Pendek, remembers Sahar, whose demise was reported yesterday.


ANDREW MAY: Words from the Wild Frontier

News and stories from the remoter fringes of the CFZ blogosphere...

From CFZ Australia:
From CFZ New Zealand:

BOOK PREVIEW: Burrunjor! The Search For Australia's Living Tyrannosaurus

Dale Drinnon has received news of the forthcoming book, "Burrunjor! The Search For Australia's Living Tyrannosaurus," by Rex and Heather Gilroy.

The Frontiers of Zoology site has more on this.

LIZ CLANCY: Garra Rufa treatment may be fishy

The first I heard of this recent craze was on a celebrity edition of Come Dine With Me, which saw ex-Coronation-Street actors dipping their toes in fish tanks before dinner at the house of the chap who used to play Des Barnes.

Since then shops have been opening up all over the place and existing beauty salons have been investing in bowls of feet-eating fish. However, health professionals are concerned and having the dead skin nibbled off one's tootsies by Garra Rufa is now illegal in several US states and over here the RSPCA have voiced their misgivings.

The Health Protection Agency conducted an investigation into the use of so-called doctor fish for beauty therapy and published updated advice in October.

In a nutshell: if you're fit and healthy, and the spa you choose have high standards when it comes to hygiene, the risk of catching anything from fish, tank or water is low.

However, if you suffer from health conditions that weaken the immune system (diabetes, for example) you're advised to give fish spas a wide berth and if you wax your legs, fish pedicures should wait a minimum of twenty-four hours.

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

Yesterday’s News Today


On this day in 1897 Aneurin Bevan was born. Bevan was the creator of the NHS in post-WW2 Britain, which is the biggest asset Britain has and the greatest gift any government has given to its citezens. Bevan summed up the need for systems like the NHS in his book In Place of Fear with the following quote:

“The collective principle asserts that... no society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.”

Truer words have never been spoken in politics, but ever since its inception corrupt politicians, usually in the pay of private healthcare providers who think they can make a quick buck by dismantling the NHS, have been trying to run it down or dismantle it. No politician who puts their electorate before their own personal bank balance would ever consider dismantling or opposing the creation of universal healthcare and it is worth remembering that the next time you vote.

And now the news:

Wall-scaling tank-bot inspired by gecko

Bowser Beer For Dogs Earns World Record

Well, today’s OTD was a bit political wasn’t it? The CFZ as an organization holds no political viewpoint, though - so, in the interests of fairness and impartiality, here is the alternative viewpoint
