Thursday, August 04, 2011

CFZ PEOPLE: Lars Thomas

Happy Birthday to a Great Dane


I've seen some weird stuff in my time, but this takes the biscuit!!!

ROBERT SCHNECK: Japanese platypus?

Dear Jon,

While looking at the wonderful Pink Tentacle blog, I came across a section devoted to the Kaikidan Ekotoba. It is:

"a mysterious handscroll that proļ¬les 33 legendary monsters and human oddities, mostly from the Kyushu region of Japan (with several from overseas). The cartoonish document, whose author is unknown, is believed to date from the mid-19th century. It is now in the possession of the Fukuoka City Museum."

Most of the drawings depict what look like typically bizarre yokai, but the first two are particularly interesting.

"The black creature on the right was born by a dog that mated with a bird in the city of Fukuoka in the early 1740s. Next to the bird-dog hybrid is an amorphous white monster -- also encountered in Fukuoka -- which is said to have measured about 180 centimeters (6 ft) across. People at the time believed this creature was a raccoon dog that had shape-shifted."

I would suggest that the white monster is what we would call a globster (which explains nothing, but demonstrates how another culture interprets the strange lumps that wash up on their beaches), and that the bird-dog hybrid is a Duck-billed Platypus. What a platypus was doing in Fukuoka in the 1740s is anyone's guess.


Andreas Trottmann sent us this report..

I am not inclined to believe in the existence of the Loch Ness monster or the photos and sightings of blurred hairy creatures some call Big Foot. But I have to admit I am stumped when attempting to identify some mysterious beings that were very casually surfacing in the water of the east pond at Twin Lakes Park in Villa Park on Sunday.

Read on...

DALE DRINNON: Marked Hominids or Boreal Bigfoots, Wedigoes,and so on

Because there were many requests for it and because I thought it was necessary, I have reposted the blog on the Marked Hominids or Boreal Bigfoots, Wedigoes,and so on.


Because they are named after a cryptid I have to feature them, but I warn you that unless you like Henry Kaiser then you will hate this. Do I like Henry Kaiser? Yes, I have to admit that - on occasion - I do...

And I am sure that Syd will love it.

CFZ PEOPLE: Robert Schneck

Happy Birthday to one of our favourite bloggers, and also Prudence's biggest fan...


A recent expedition in search of werewolves on Cannock Chase, (as made famous by Sir Nicholas of Redfernshire) fell foul of some amorous locals...with comic results.

Read all about it (Ooo er Missus)