Friday, July 29, 2011

LIZ CLANCY: 'No pets' no more

Promising news for all pooch pals and felid friends that don't or won't own their own home: the Dogs Trust have a campaign called Lets With Pets that's intended to make it less of a hassle renting a property for dog- and cat-owners. Like me, you may have been more than daunted by 'no pets' warnings in hosts of property ads and ended up renting a place not fit for the strayest of strays, just to keep the furry one of your family living with you. Lets With Pets encourages letting agents and landlords (and ladies) to welcome responsible dog- and cat-owners. The campaign provides advice and information so those with the keys won't mind handing them over to Rover. To help, you can fill in a survey ( about your own experiences.

Unfortunately, if you're partial to pythons or in love with llamas, you're probably on your own.
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Beached Carcasses

This article on ten mysterious monsters washed up around the world is of interest for many reasons. But check out #5 - the skull of this dead seal is languishing in a bucket of formalin in the CFZ Museum....
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