Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ARCHIVING PROJECT: General Forteana part 29

As you know, Oll has been working on the archiving project since early February 2009 and he is now working on a general mish-mash of a section known as `General Forteana`. This 29th collection once again really is a collection of completely uncategoriseable stuff, including the murder victim who took 22 years to die, the fake Jack the Ripper diaries, Einstein's brain, Napoleon's hair, and cattle in small cars. It doesn't get much better than this. Good stuff.



Max sent along this link with a brief note saying that he hoped it would amuse me. It certainly did!

ROBERT SCHNECK: Sylvanic Nondescript

Todd Standing claims that this is a picture of a Bigfoot which he photographed in the "Sylvanic" forest. I would eat my own head before suggesting that someone is fibbing, but whatever this is, it resembles Charles Waterton's "Nondescript".


The Boy Redfern writes: While some people cringe at the notion that Bigfoot and distinct Fortean high-strangeness might somehow go together, I most certainly do not! Indeed, I have investigated numerous cases that suggest whatever the Bigfoot creatures may be, there seems to be an aspect of the phenomenon that takes us into some very strange, and near-paranormal, realms.

Read on chaps and chapesses

Unicorn on Video

One of the things that is most notable about the weird world of forteana is that events happen in clusters. For example, over the last few weeks there have been a number of unicorn stories here on the blog, such as this one set at the Appledore book festival.

Now a unicorn has been captured on video...

Before you all start jumping for your field investigation gear, it is a viral marketing hoax from
the Ontario Science Center, which has a new exhibit to promote called “Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns, & Mermaids,”

Read more:

SIMULACRA: Enter the Dragon

Yesterday we posted a slice of YouTube video that shows a gorgeous cloud formation in the shape of a bird. Today our old friend Matt Williams writes:

My Dragon cloud taken whilst flying...

can you see its head wings and legs... you may have to stare a bit but its there...
