Friday, July 30, 2010

WEIRD WEEKEND 2010: Latest News

* Lindsay Selby is, as you know, unable to make this year's event due to severe ill health. She has, however, sent down things for a display, as well as things for children's prizes. We all send her our love, best wishes, and healing thoughts and pray that she will be back to normal, and with us next year!

With less than two weeks to go, now might be a good time to buy your tickets to the best crypto-fortean event of the year....

Buy Your Tickets here


From YouTube: Not sure what this is. We'e heard it twice, thought we saw it once, and it looked like a woodpecker or similar, but I'd rather go off the sound since that's more definite. Can anybody guess what it is? I'm stumped. From the meta tags it looks like this was recorded near Halifax, Nova Scotia (a place of which my late father spoke fondly after his experiences there during the war).


The August episode of On The Track (of Unknown Animals) will be a day or so late. The last four days of July have/will have seen an unprecedented influx of visitors, and there are also the usual Weird Weekend disruptions, and I won't actually start it until Monday 2nd. Sorry about that....

CFZ AUSTRALIA: Incredible Survival Story

The incredible survival story of Australian Hayden Adcock, the man who survived 11 days lost in the Laos jungle in 2008 and was attacked by giant lizards, is the feature of episode #3 of Miracles, and can be viewed on ABC's iView for a short time here:

The program includes interviews with Hayden and his family and actual rescue footage.

Hayden survived exposure, internal bleeding, multiple organ failure, various infections, blood poisoning, pneumonia, maggots and having his flesh and the skin on his feet eaten by giant lizards!

Seven months later, after learning to walk again, he returned to laos to meet and thank all of his rescuers. A miracle indeed.


As you know, Oll has been working on the archiving project since early February 2009 and he is now working on a general mish-mash of a section known as `General Forteana`. This nineteenth collection once again really is a general mishmash of completely uncategoriseable stuff, including a woman who jumped out of an aircraft and survived, a poet who wanted a volume of his poetry bound in his own skin, Romanian prisoners hammering nails into their own skulls and a chiropractor who claimed to have been kidnapped by a lost tribe of native Australians. It doesn't get much better than this. Good stuff.


OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1965 J.K. Rowling was born.

Mars rocks 'may contain evidence of life'
Mars site may hold 'buried life'
Mars site may hold 'buried life'

Those last two links are actually different stories, it just seems they weren’t being that creative with headlines yesterday. It is funny how all this ‘life on Mars’ stuff comes out just as the US government is debating cutting NASA’s funding… Still it gives me the chance to link to a rather obvious, but good, song: