Friday, June 04, 2010


Paul Vella wrote to us the other day to pay his subscription to Animals & Men. He also enclosed a donation, which will cover the expenses of tomorrow's trip to Redditch for the Charity Fish Auction. I will even be able to buy a pie each for Max and David, which will be a jolly good thing because teenage boys get awfully hungry....

Thanks, Paul.

ROBERT SCHNECK: A Sasquatch Caterpillar

Hi Jon,

Look at this; it even has a sagittal crest.


Dear Friends/Editors/Producers/Scientists

Today we received an email from Will Elliott of Watford, Hertfordshire (UK). Will has been doing some of his own research (photographic) on the now famous photos from our Warner Amazon Expedition last year. He, and others like him, are the reason we chose to publish our data extensively on our web site (

Will Elliott has found what looks like an eye on photo 317. Given that we already knew we had a photo of Yacumama (Black boa/Minhocão) it does not surprise us but it might change the opinions of a few sceptics still out there.

The eye, its shape, size and position on the head beneath the postocular ridge are all in proportion and in keeping with the contemporaneous data we have compiled e.g. 'Eyes as big as saucers' or 'search lights' (think Amazon boat).

We estimate the size of the eye to be between 8 & 10 inches in diameter on a head that is c. 6 feet wide above water.

Let’s be clear; we don't know Will and have never communicated before today.

Will's correspondence to us and the description of his methods are at the bottom of this page with a commentary from Professor Ian Montgomery, Head of Biological Science's, Queens University, Belfast.

Please follow the link below to see all the images and correspondence:

CFZ AUSTRALIA: Rare quoll drops by for Penrith vet visit

03 Jun, 2010 10:58 AM
A RELATIVE of the Tasmanian Devil was the last thing an Erskine Park pigeon breeder expected to find caught in his feral cat trap last Thursday.

This rare spotted-tail quoll has now been returned to his bushland habitat in the Blue Mountains after he ventured into the suburban outskirts along Erskine Park Road last week. Also known as the tiger quoll, the critter is a critically endangered species and the largest carnivorous marsupial in mainland Australia.

The introduction of feral animals, diseases and the destruction of their forest habitats has greatly reduced their numbers in recent years.

Renowned for their feisty nature, this young quoll was in perfect health and enjoyed an overnight feast of frozen chicken necks before being returned to the bush the next day.

"It's extremely unusual to see one in Sydney," said Jilea Carney, a spokesman for WIRES (Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service Incorporated), Australia's largest wildlife rescue organisation.

WIRES volunteer rescuer and St Clair resident Sean Cade, who spent Thursday night caring for the quoll, believes recent backburning in the Blue Mountains forced the quoll to venture further afield and become displaced. ``He was very frightened,'' he said. ``It's in the middle of breeding season, so he would have been looking for mates.''

Mr Cade said it was unlikely there were others in the area. ``There are people who have been with WIRES for 20 years who had never seen one until now,'' he said.

Residents who spot one should contact WIRES on 89773333.


As you know, Oll has been working on the archiving project since early February 2009 and he is now working on a general mish-mash of a section known as `General Forteana`. This twelfth is a collection of completely uncategorisable stuff including a bizarre claim that lagomorphs are most closely related to primates. It doesn't get much better than this. Good stuff.


OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1976 surrealist comedian Ross Noble was born. Here’s a clip of him talking about simulacra and death portants:

A big thank you to Corinna for holding the YNT fort while I was back in the land of my fathers treating the fine city of Cardiff and the “charming-in-its-own-special-way” seaside resort of Barry Island to my presence (more of which in a future non-YNT blog). So what’s occurring with the news today?

Meet the alligator who turned blue
Caterpillar invasion turns cemetery into horror film set

If there are this many caterpillars around it could have ‘grave’ consequences for the local flora…