Saturday, August 29, 2009


A holiday maker in Poland has filmed what could be the Polish Yeti.

27 year old Piotr Kowalski from Warsaw was on a walking holiday in the Polish Tatra mountains when he saw a large ape-like creature standing in the rocks ahead of him.

"I saw this huge ape-like form hiding behind the rocks. When I saw it it was like being struck by a thunderbolt," he told the Superexpress.

"Coming from Warsaw, I never really believed the local stories of a wild mountain ape-man roaming the slopes. But, now I do."

The video has been handed over to the Nautilus Foundation, a Polish organisation which specialises in the paranormal and cryptozoolgy.

"The film clearly shows 'something' that moves on two legs and is bigger than a normal man," says Robert Bernatowicz, president of the Nautilus Foundation.

"But because the camera shakes so much it is difficult to say what it is exactly. We need to go to the site and see what traces, if any, were left."


I've always been an admirer of the writings of Darren Naish. Tetrapod Zoology is one of my favourite blogs; it both informs, educates and amuses. Indeed, at times Darren's sense of humour is almost as silly as my own. I have known the dear boy a long time (all his adult life) and am pleased to announce that he has joined the rest of the multiverse on Facebook. To find out more (including piccies of Lizwiz and Gladys), and to find out who he blames for this surprising move, read on dudes....


I was talking to the good Doctor S. yesterday teatime (Shiels not Shuker, though I had an equally enlightening conversation with Karl later on, but that is a story for another day) and we were talking about how weird Woolsery seems to be, and he was good-naturedly ribbing me on the subject. I assured him that although I had, indeed, authored a piece for FT about the pub poltergeist, the more recent article about the village strangeness was nothing to do with me.

There are actually several other weird stories that did not appear in either article, but I shall also leave them for another day.

But as we were talking, I pressed `send and receive` on my email server in a desultory manner, and then burst out laughing. Why? Because the first email that came up had the title 'Piranha in the Torridge':

The 35cm (14in) fish was spotted by Bob Collett, Dave Hoskin and Eddie Stevens during a sampling trip on the river.

Among the species the team would have expected to find in the river were salmon, brown trout, bullheads, stone loach and minnow.

"What we actually discovered was something we would not expect to find in our wildest dreams - we could hardly believe our eyes," Mr Stevens said.

"After completing 20m of the survey, a large tail emerged from the undercut bank on the far side of the river.

"Our first thought was that a sea trout had become lodged in amongst the rocks and debris collected under the bank, but when it was removed from the river we were speechless to find it was a piranha."

Groovy synchronicity strikes again.

DALE DRINNON: Folklore/Fakelore

Just a couple of pieces of Folklore/Fakelore;

The first photo is of a head mounted in the front window of a Tennessee store, as explained in the blog when you follow the link:

And the second is a museum mount representing a fictional creature known as a Snouter. Some people have taken Snouters seriously because they had not known that the book is a work of fiction. Just to go on record; the book The Snouters (1967) is a work of fiction.

For the record, I have not heard the word `Fakelore` before, and think it is a jolly good term....

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday’s News Today

It's Soundtrack Saturday and this week’s song was suggested by the greatest living fortean zoology newshound Mr Wilson (not to be confused with the other Mr Wilson). The song is Yankie Wheels by Jane Aire and the Belvederes, and it's rather good:

And now the news:

Is the Loch Ness monster on Google Earth just a boat?

Monster found on Google

Animals doing weird things: Pelicans play catch

Vic town fights cockatoo invasion

Shark born on land

Gorillas get sneak preview of new mate

I say, I say, I say, why do male apes not like speed dating?

Because when they see a girl they like they don’t get long enough to ‘gorilla’ on her likes and dislikes.


Thank you, I’m here all week, try the fish.