Saturday, July 18, 2009

"MUTINY ON THE BATTLESHIP POTEMPKIN"? "CITIZEN KANE"? "BAMBI"? The CFZ are making a cinematographic masterpiece..

...But why is Jon wearing a Red Army Faction T-Shirt c. 1978? Bloody hippy!
Eisenstein never behaved like this!

However, don't say we didn't warn you. The afternoon's big shoot, involving a budget of nearly fifteen quid, and a cast of, ummm nine, a crew of five, three cars, and a small boy on a unicycle went off reasonably without a hitch.

Well it didn't in fact; there were lots of hitches. Traffic was terrible so we were late, the leading lady's hair got wet and went all curly.
Our stunt driver, who shall not be named, forgot to look in the mirror before braking, nearly causing an accident.
Various inhabitants of the village looked a little bemused, but we basically got away with shooting a cast (mostly underage) on the Queen's Highway with no insurance, an unlicensed crew, and no permission.

Now Jon's T-Shirt begins to make sense. You all knew he was fat, but did you know that F.A.T stood for `Fortean Art Terrorist`?


FROM YOUTUBE: My dog pulled this from the canal. U.K. I thought she had pulled a ball or toy out until we got home and she dropped it on the floor. Can you identify it? (I have put it back in the canal, where it belongs)...


Time for Richard Freeman again. It almost seems silly introducing Richard to you all once again when he makes an appearance as guest blogger several times a week. However, our viewing audience/ readers (whatever you like to call yourselves) is growing so fast that it is certain that some of you missed the last time I introduced him.

Marie-Jeanne Koffmann, a Franco-Russian scientist, now in her late 80s spent her whole adult life studying the almasty, the relic hominid said to lurk in the Caucasus, western Mongolia the Pamirs and the Tien Shen and areas of the Asian/ European border. In a career that spanned decades this redoubtable woman took expedition after expedition into these unforgiving and dangerous places to gather information, interview witnesses and search for the creature. She has built up a lifetime’s work in the form of notes that fill volumes.

No one has ever published Koffman’s works and no one has translated them. Ms Koffmann is very old now. What will happen when she passes on? Will all her life’s work be merely tossed aside? Therein lies a great problem in cryptozoology. There are masses of information locked away from us because it has never been translated. The problem goes both ways of course; cryptozoological books printed in English seldom get translated into other languages.

Whilst on our 2008 almasty hunting expedition Grigory Panchenko told us of a book written by pioneering almasty researcher Boris Porshnev. The book only had a print run of around 200. The public library in Moscow apparently has a copy. It would be relatively easy to get the book photocopied and sent over to England for translation. Corinna’s youngest daughter Olivia has a Ukrainian boyfriend Ivan who may well be able to do this. Imagine the value of years of Porhnev’s work being made available to an English reading audience, particularly as the book had such a tiny run on its first publication.

Grigory himself has written books on cryptozoology. We offered to translate them but he was reluctant, wanting to improve them first. He took a couple of our books to see if he could interest Russian or Ukrainian publishers in doing their own translations of them. No one was interested.

We have made tentative steps to contacting Ms Koffman and spoke with her elderly sister in Paris but this ground to a halt when we failed to contact the great lady herself.

We have in our possession Dr Bernard Heuvelman’s book on African dragons in French. It looks fascinating but remains untranslated. Heuvelmans wrote many other books, including one on relic hominids but most are available only in French and are long out of print.

Recently Kegan Paul has published some of Heuvalman’s works such as The Kraken and the Colossal Octopus but the prices they charge for them are absurd. Another of his books they published was The Natural History of Hidden Animals. It was an interesting book but was only £145 and cost a truly outlandish amount.

From e-bay I bought a book on newspaper reports on monsters from 19th century Japan. I have inquired into the cost of a translation and it was around £800-£1000!

What we need is a dedicated network of international translators freeing up these works and allowing free passage of information to flow from country to country. CFZ press would be interested in publishing works like these, if only we could get translations.

One person who is trying to get Boris Porshnev’s work translated into English and French is Oleg Vite; his website can be found here
And he may be e-mailed here

Come on cryptozoologists and forteans worldwide, there is a mountain of data out there just waiting for us!