Wednesday, July 01, 2009

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is dedicated to the waters of Palm Beach County, by removing floating debris on a daily basis, therefore improving the quality of the water for everyone’s benefit and environmental health. They have just released this footage of an unknown creature....

COLIN HIGGINS: Alan's Imaginary Cryptid

Hi Jon,

I was interested in Alan's created cryptid idea from a few weeks ago. It's a good one. On a similar theme, here is a visual blog of mine centred around a character I called Bugbear, a kind of relic hominid cum sprite that lives on the high moors. I haven't had the motivation to add to it for a while though I keep doing the drawings, poems and tales.

V. Best,

Colin Higgins

ROBERT SCHNECK: Crypto Couture

"Loch Ness, A Scottish Fantasy" is beautiful and, while we're on the subject of the Loch Ness Monster as inspiration, here is an example of crypto-couture.

This item appeared in the August 24, 1934 issue of the La Crosse (Wisconsin) Tribune and Leader Press and comes from the AP. It's been sitting in my clippings folder for ages and I'm hoping that someone, somewhere, might have a picture of it.


PARIS--(AP)--The "Loch Ness monster" which roamed around the Scottish lake last season has inspired the name of a new winter costume.

The ensemble, named "Loch Ness," combines a slender wool frock with a hip-length jacket of the same fabric designed with long front "tails"
furred in gray fox. It is accompanied by a narrow brimmed hat of dark green felt with a fluff of the same gray fur on top of the crown.

The article is on this page at the bottom of column 2. It's easier to read if you drag it on to your desktop .


It is interesting to see that it has made the BBC news, several weeks after we covered it. However, my personal opinion of the story has not changed. Several of the bloggo readers have asked why we have not yet broadcast Mike and Greg Warner's video. This is because we have not received anything from them.

Out of interest, this video is the most recent thing to be embedded onto YouTube with the keyword `Yacumama`, and I sincerely doubt whether it is relevant...